adopting Usborne games/programs to ugBASIC

This forum is dedicated to those who want support programming in ugBASIC.
Questo forum è dedicato a chi desidera supporto per programmare in ugBASIC.
Ce forum est dédié à ceux qui souhaitent prendre en charge la programmation en ugBASIC.
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adopting Usborne games/programs to ugBASIC

Post by jjarrell »

A few years back, Usborne publishing released PDF versions of their books from the 80's about BASIC programming.

If I, or anyone else, were to adopt these to ugBASIC, could we post them in the snippets or completed programs area following the publishers guidelines for adaption?

Here's what they said about adopting the programs:

Copyright notice
These pdf copies of the original Usborne Computer Guides published in the 1980s are free to download for your own personal or educational use. The books and files are the copyright of Usborne Publishing. You can provide a link to the pdfs from your website, but you may not host or distribute the original files.

Adapting the programs
You may adapt any of the programs in these books to modern computer languages, and share the adaptations freely online. You may not use the adaptations for commercial purposes. Please credit the name of the Usborne book from which you adapted the program, and provide a link to this webpage.
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Re: adopting Usborne games/programs to ugBASIC

Post by ericomont »

The copyright is your call but I see no problem in doing so.
The codes on those books are simple and truly nothing really copyrighteable, you are probably going to improve on them and rewrite them as you will want to avoid the structure of code flow attached to the line numbers.

I have done it before with Grave Digger (for PC using GLBasic), here it is: ... authuser=0

That is one project awaiting to become a pmode4 artifact colors COCO game in ugBasic ;)
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